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克形连续改变形状时的一些特征和规律的,克莱因瓶和莫比乌斯带变成了拓扑学中最有趣的问题之一。莫比乌斯带的概念被广泛地应用到了建筑,艺术,工业生产中。三维空间里的克莱因瓶 拓扑学的定义编辑 克莱因瓶定义为正方形区域 [0,1]×[0,1] 模掉等价关系(0,y)~(1,y), 0≤y≤1 和 (x,0)~(1-x,1), 0≤x≤1。类似于 Mobius Band, 克莱因瓶不可定向。但 Mobius 带可嵌入  ,而克莱因瓶只能嵌入Café Savarin," said Jack to the chauffeur. The cab started with a jerk, throwing them back on the cushions. "Let me out!" she said—but not very strongly. He affected not to hear. There was a delicious satisfaction in seeing the self-possessed little lady overcome with confusion, if only for a moment. "To-morrow I'll come for you in my own car," he said, nonchalantly. "Are you crazy?" she murmured, really alarmed. He laughed. "Can't I have a car as well as anybody?" " "Please!" He told her at last. The story sounded strange in his own ears. When he came to the end he saw to his astonishment that there were tears in her eyes. "Why—why, what's the matter?" he cried. "I don't know," she said smiling through the rain. "Am I not silly? But I suppose it means change. And I hate changes!" "A change for the better, only. If you knew how I hated poverty!" Her eyes dropped. "I, too," that meant, but she did not care to tell him so, audibly. "If you knew how mean I felt every day when we went to that beanery together, and you had to pay for your own lunch!" "But what was the difference? We both work for our living." "A man feels differently. Why I never would ask you if I could come to see you in the evenings, because I couldn't take you out anywhere. I was afraid I couldn't keep my end up with your gang." "I haven't any gang," she murmured. "Well all that's ended now! Now there's no limit but the sky! And here we are. The lawyer guy told me this was the swellest place down-town." A fresh panic seized her. "I can't eat in a place like this! I'm not fit to be seen!" "Nonsense! You always look like a lady!" Circumstances were too strong for her. She found herself being wafted across the sidewalk, and was delivered into the hands of the maid in the lobby, before she could think of an effective resistance. Indeed they were seated at a snowy little board brightened by an electric candle, before she really got her breath. At Jack's elbow stood a post-graduate waiter with a deferential bend in his back, and at just the right distance an orchestra was discussing the Meditation from Tha?s. A sigh escaped Kate, for after all she was a perfectly human girl. "Oh, this is heavenly!" Jack's eyes sparkled. "Good! I was wondering when you'd begin to let yourself go." He leaned forward. "You should worry! You're the prettiest girl here—and the best dressed!" Which was true—on both counts. There was no doubt about her prettiness; Heaven had attended to that. Eyes of the deepest blue with a glance steady and deep; an adorable little nose, and a mouth at once firm and most kissable. As for her clothes, it may be they were of cheap materials, but the taste that had chosen redeemed them. The hat, most important item, was of Kate's own manufacture, being copied from the window of a milliner whose name is a household word. "Don't be silly," said the wearer severely. "The waiter is waiting." "That's what he's here for! Oh, dear! I wish we could stay all afternoon!" This was put forth really as a proposal rather than a wish. But Kate was relentless. "We'll have to hurry," she said firmly. "Well, we've time for a cup of green turtle, a lobster paté and a coupe St. Jacques," said Jack. A whispered order was added, and one of the yellow backs changed hands. The waiter departed. "One would think you had been coming here all your life," said Kate demurely. This was delicious flattery. "I've planned it in dreams," he said. Presently the waiter returned, smiling from ear to ear, and bearing a bunch of violets almost as big as a cart wheel. Their delicious fragrance filled all the air. With a flourish he placed them before Kate. She gasped. "Oh! How wonderful! For me!" "Who do you think?" said Jack. "But—but what shall I do with them?" "Put them on. Any woman can wear violets without hurting." "But what will they think when I get back to the office." "The worst!" said Jack solemnly. "Oh, Mr. Norman!" "Why go back to the office?" asked Jack very offhand. "Oh, Mr. Norman!" she said again, with a scandalized air. "My name is Jack," he said unabashed. She made believe not to hear. "I can't bear to think of you working even for a day longer in that stuffy hole! Why, my first thought when I heard the news was I can take her out of that! What fun will it be for me to fluff around town spending money when you are still jailed there, punishing the alphabet." "What do you mean?" she said, trying to look indignant. "You know what I mean. Or if you don't, look at me and you'll see!" She did not avail herself of the invitation. "You don't seem to have thought much of me. What I might like. Am I nothing to you, but a sort of little follower, a hanger-on to help you spend money!" "Oh, Katy, that's unjust. Look at me! Katy darling, I love you. Will you marry me?" "Somebody will hear you," she murmured glancing nervously around. "That's no answer." "Why—I scarcely know you!" "Time will fix that." "You're not in earnest." "I am! Look at me! I know you well! For months I have thought of you night and day. Oh, I tried to cut you out at first; I thought I was only storing up trouble for myself. Poor devil of a stool-warmer like me. What chance did I have? But I couldn't help myself! Every time I saw your face at the window I forgot my hard-headed resolutions. You see you had me at a disadvantage. I had an ideal of what a lady was, that I got from my mother—but knocking round in cheap boarding houses, well you don't meet that kind. It was just plumb luck my meeting you. First time I heard your voice you just knocked me out. That was what I had wanted—all my life. Look at me! Don't you think I'm in earnest now?" "Please, not here!" she murmured. He suddenly realized that a girl is entitled to a certain degree of privacy in receiving a proposal. "Oh! I clean forgot where we were!" he said contritely. "I'm sorry. The two things are so mixed up in my mind, I felt I couldn't tell you quick enough." A silence fell between them. He studied her face wistfully, but could read nothing in the closed lips and downcast eyes. "Katy, dear, can't you give me one word to go on?" She shook her head. "Nothing definite, Katy—but just a hint I can't stand the suspense." She murmured softly: "My answer is no." "Oh, Katy!" he said brokenly. "Sometimes I thought you looked at me as if—my mistake, I suppose. Don't you like me, Katy?" "One doesn't marry on liking. I used to like you as a poor boy; But money changes people's characters. I'll have to wait and see." 四维(或更高维)空间。莫比乌斯带编辑 把一条纸带的一段扭180°,再和另一端粘起来就得到一条莫比乌斯带的模型。这也是一个只有莫比乌斯带、一个面的曲面,但是和球面、轮胎面和克莱因瓶不同的是,它有边(注意,它只有一条边)。如果我们把两条莫比乌斯带沿着它们唯一的边粘合起来,你就得到了一个克莱因瓶 莫比乌斯带 莫比乌斯带 (当然不要忘了,我们必须在四维空间中才能真正有可能完成这个粘合,否则的话就不得不把纸撕破一点)。同样地,如果把一个克莱因瓶适当地剪开来,我们就能得到两条莫比乌斯带。除了我们上面看到的克莱因瓶的模样,还有一种不太为人所知的“8字形”克莱因瓶。它看起来和上面的曲面完全不同,但是在四维空间中它们其实就是同一个曲面--克莱因瓶。实际上,可以说克莱因瓶是一个3°的莫比乌斯带。我们知道,在平面上画一个圆,再在圆内放一样东西,假如在二度空间中将它拿出来,就不得不越过圆周。超新星爆发是某些恒星在演化接近末期时经历的一种剧烈爆炸。一般认为质量小于9倍太阳质量左右的恒星,在经历引力坍缩的过程后是无法形成超新星的。[75]  在大质量恒星演化到晚期,内部不能产生新的能量,巨大的引力将整个星体迅速向中心坍缩,将中心物质都压成中子状态,形成中子星,而外层下坍的物质遇到这坚硬的“中子核”反弹引起爆炸。这就成为超新星爆发,质量更大时,中心更可形成黑洞。[76]  在超新星爆发的过程中所释放的能量,需要我们的太阳燃烧900亿年才能与之相当。[77]  超新星研究有着关乎人类自身命运的深层意义。如果一颗超新星爆发的位置非常接近地球,目前国际天文学界普遍认为此距离在100光年以内,它就能够对地球的生物圈产生明显的影响,这样的超新星被称为近地超新星。有研究认为,在地球历史上的奥陶纪大灭绝,就是一颗近地超新星引起的,这次灭绝导致当时地球近60%的海洋生物消失。[78]
<center><font size="5" color=blue;">'''突发!两面开战,伊朗又在波斯湾动手了,美国向联合国紧急抗议!”
'''</font></center> <font size="4" color="#545454>
克莱因瓶是一个不可定向的二维紧流形,而球面或轮胎面是可 克莱因瓶 克莱因瓶 定向的二维紧流形。如果观察克莱因瓶,有一点似乎令人困惑--克莱因瓶的瓶颈和瓶身是相交的,换句话说,瓶颈上的某些点和瓶壁上的某些点占据了三维空间中的同一个位置。我们可以把克莱因瓶放在四维空间中理解:克莱因瓶是一个在四维空间中才可能真正表现出来的曲面。如果我们一定要把它表现在我们生活的三维空间中,我们只好将就点,把它表现得似乎是自己和自己相交一样。克莱因瓶的瓶颈是穿过了第四维空间再和瓶底圈连起来的,并不穿过瓶壁。用扭结来打比方,如果把它看作平面上的曲线的话瓶定义为正方形区域 [0,1]×[0,1] 模掉等价关系(0,y)~(1,y), 0≤y≤1 和 (x,0)~(1-x,1), 0≤x≤1。类似于 Mobius Band, 克莱因瓶不可定向。但 Mobius 带可嵌入  ,而克莱因瓶只能嵌入四维(或更高维)空间。莫比乌斯带编辑 把一条纸带的一段扭180°,再和另一端粘起来就得伽利略·伽利雷证明了哥Café Savarin," said Jack to the chauffeur. The cab started with a jerk, throwing them back on the cushions. "Let me out!" she said—but not very strongly. He affected not to hear. There was a delicious satisfaction in seeing the self-possessed little lady overcome with confusion, if only for a moment. "To-morrow I'll come for you in my own car," he said, nonchalantly. "Are you crazy?" she murmured, really alarmed. He laughed. "Can't I have a car as well as anybody?" "But I thought—that is—you always said——" "That I was as poor as Job's turkey, eh? Only a stall. I just worked for Fisher for the sociological experience. I don't have to work really." She looked at him with troubled eyes. He couldn't resist the temptation to tease her a little. "My old man's a multi-millionaire," he rattled on. "Of course I get sick of that life sometimes, and scout about a bit." Her eyes became so reproachful his heart smote him. "Oh, that's only a joke," he said quickly. "Lord knows the poverty was real enough—but it's over for good!" "For both of us," he would have liked to add, but did not quite dare. "Look!" he cried, drawing his hand out of his pocket with the great roll of yellow-backed bills. "My income for half an hour!" "Where did you get it?" she said aghast He laughed again. "Honest, I didn't steal it." "Please!" He told her at last. The story sounded strange in his own ears. When he came to the end he saw to his astonishment that there were tears in her eyes. "Why—why, what's the matter?" he cried. "I don't know," she said smiling through the rain. "Am I not silly? But I suppose it means change. And I hate changes!" "A change for the better, only. If you knew how I hated poverty!" Her eyes dropped. "I, too," that meant, but she did not care to tell him so, audibly. "If you knew how mean I felt every day when we went to that beanery together, and you had to pay for your own lunch!" "But what was the difference? We both work for our living." "A man feels differently. Why I never would ask you if I could come to see you in the evenings, because I couldn't take you out anywhere. I was afraid I couldn't keep my end up with your gang." "I haven't any gang," she murmured. "Well all that's ended now! Now there's no limit but the sky! And here we are. The lawyer guy told me this was the swellest place down-town." A fresh panic seized her. "I can't eat in a place like this! I'm not fit to be seen!" "Nonsense! You always look like a lady!" Circumstances were too strong for her. She found herself being wafted across the sidewalk, and was delivered into the hands of the maid in the lobby, before she could think of an effective resistance. Indeed they were seated at a snowy little board brightened by an electric candle, before she really got her breath. At Jack's elbow stood a post-graduate waiter with a deferential bend in his back, and at just the right distance an orchestra was discussing the Meditation from Tha?s. A sigh escaped Kate, for after all she was a perfectly human girl. "Oh, this is heavenly!" Jack's eyes sparkled. "Good! I was wondering when you'd begin to let yourself go." He leaned forward. "You should worry! You're the prettiest girl here—and the best dressed!" Which was true—on both counts. There was no doubt about her prettiness; Heaven had attended to that. Eyes of the deepest blue with a glance steady and deep; an adorable little nose, and a mouth at once firm and most kissable. As for her clothes, it may be they were of cheap materials, but the taste that had chosen redeemed them. The hat, most important item, was of Kate's own manufacture, being copied from the window of a milliner whose name is a household word. "Don't be silly," said the wearer severely. "The waiter is waiting." "That's what he's here for! Oh, dear! I wish we could stay all afternoon!" This was put forth really as a proposal rather than a wish. But Kate was relentless. "We'll have to hurry," she said firmly. "Well, we've time for a cup of green turtle, a lobster paté and a coupe St. Jacques," said Jack. A whispered order was added, and one of the yellow backs changed hands. The waiter departed. "One would think you had been coming here all your life," said Kate demurely. This was delicious flattery. "I've planned it in dreams," he said. Presently the waiter returned, smiling from ear to ear, and bearing a bunch of violets almost as big as a cart wheel. Their delicious fragrance filled all the air. With a flourish he placed them before Kate. She gasped. "Oh! How wonderful! For me!" "Who do you think?" said Jack. "But—but what shall I do with them?" "Put them on. Any woman can wear violets without hurting." "But what will they think when I get back to the office." "The worst!" said Jack solemnly. "Oh, Mr. Norman!" "Why go back to the office?" asked Jack very offhand. "Oh, Mr. Norman!" she said again, with a scandalized air. "My name is Jack," he said unabashed. She made believe not to hear. "I can't bear to think of you working even for a day longer in that stuffy hole! Why, my first thought when I heard the news was I can take her out of that! What fun will it be for me to fluff around town spending money when you are still jailed there, punishing the alphabet." "What do you mean?" she said, trying to look indignant. "You know what I mean. Or if you don't, look at me and you'll see!" She did not avail herself of the invitation. "You don't seem to have thought much of me. What I might like. Am I nothing to you, but a sort of little follower, a hanger-on to help you spend money!" "Oh, Katy, that's unjust. Look at me! Katy darling, I love you. Will you marry me?" "Somebody will hear you," she murmured glancing nervously around. "That's no answer." "Why—I scarcely know you!" "Time will fix that." "You're not in earnest." "I am! Look at me! I know you well! For months I have thought of you night and day. Oh, I tried to cut you out at first; I thought I was only storing up trouble for myself. Poor devil of a stool-warmer like me. What chance did I have? But I couldn't help myself! Every time I saw your face at the window I forgot my hard-headed resolutions. You see you had me at a disadvantage. I had an ideal of what a lady was, that I got from my mother—but knocking round in cheap boarding houses, well you don't meet that kind. It was just plumb luck my meeting you. First time I heard your voice you just knocked me out. That was what I had wanted—all my life. Look at me! Don't you think I'm in earnest now?" "Please, not here!" she murmured. He suddenly realized that a girl is entitled to a certain degree of privacy in receiving a proposal. "Oh! I clean forgot where we were!" he said contritely. "I'm sorry. The two things are so mixed up in my mind, I felt I couldn't tell you quick enough." A silence fell between them. He studied her face wistfully, but could read nothing in the closed lips and downcast eyes. "Katy, dear, can't you give me one word to go on?" She shook her head. "Nothing definite, Katy—but just a hint I can't stand the suspense." She murmured softly: "My answer is no." "Oh, Katy!" he said brokenly. "Sometimes I thought you looked at me as if—my mistake, I suppose. Don't you like me, Katy?" "One doesn't marry on liking. I used to like you as a poor boy; But money changes people's characters. I'll have to wait and see." 白尼是正确的。[3] 阿里斯塔克斯提倡 阿里斯塔克斯(Aristarchus, 约公元前 310年- 约公元前230年),是人类历史上有记载的首位提倡日心说的天文学者,是古希腊时期、也是人类历史上有记载的最伟大的天文学家,数学家。他生于古希腊萨摩斯岛。他将太阳而不是地球放置在整个已知宇宙的中心,他是人类歴史上有记载的最早期的日心说的提倡者之一。但是在当时的古希腊、他的宇宙观和杰出的智慧并未能被当时的人们所理解,并被亚里士多德和托勒密的要求希腊人控告阿里斯塔克斯的渎神之罪。之后阿里斯塔克斯的思想学说就像珍贵的戒指被扔入大海般消失无踪。直到哥白尼的出现。伽利略的论证 伽利略是通过Café Savarin," said Jack to the chauffeur. The cab started with a jerk, throwing them back on the cushions. "Let me out!" she said—but not very strongly. He affected not to hear. There was a delicious satisfaction in seeing the self-possessed little lady overcome with confusion, if only for a moment. "To-morrow I'll come for you in my own car," he said, nonchalantly. "Are you crazy?" she murmured, really alarmed. He laughed. "Can't I have a car as well as anybody?" "But I thought—that is—you always said——" "That I was as poor as Job's turkey, eh? Only a stall. I just worked for Fisher for the sociological experience. I don't have to work really." She looked at him with troubled eyes. He couldn't resist the temptation to tease her a little. "My old man's a multi-millionaire," he rattled on. "Of course I get sick of that life sometimes, and scout about a bit." Her eyes became so reproachful his heart smote him. "Oh, that's only a joke," he said quickly. "Lord knows the poverty was real enough—but it's over for good!" "For both of us," he would have liked to add, but did not quite dare. "Look!" he cried, drawing his hand out of his pocket with the great roll of yellow-backed bills. "My income for half an hour!" "Where did you get it?" she said aghast He laughed again. "Honest, I didn't steal it." "Please!" He told her at last. The story sounded strange in his own ears. When he came to the end he saw to his astonishment that there were tears in her eyes. "Why—why, what's the matter?" he cried. "I don't know," she said smiling through the rain. "Am I not silly? But I suppose it means change. And I hate changes!" "A change for the better, only. If you knew how I hated poverty!" Her eyes dropped. "I, too," that meant, but she did not care to tell him so, audibly. "If you knew how mean I felt every day when we went to that beanery together, and you had to pay for your own lunch!" "But what was the difference? We both work for our living." "A man feels differently. Why I never would ask you if I could come to see you in the evenings, because I couldn't take you out anywhere. I was afraid I couldn't keep my end up with your gang." "I haven't any gang," she murmured. "Well all that's ended now! Now there's no limit but the sky! And here we are. The lawyer guy told me this was the swellest place down-town." A fresh panic seized her. "I can't eat in a place like this! I'm not fit to be seen!" "Nonsense! You always look like a lady!" Circumstances were too strong for her. She found herself being wafted across the sidewalk, and was delivered into the hands of the maid in the lobby, before she could think of an effective resistance. Indeed they were seated at a snowy little board brightened by an electric candle, before she really got her breath. At Jack's elbow stood a post-graduate waiter with a deferential bend in his back, and at just the right distance an orchestra was discussing the Meditation from Tha?s. A sigh escaped Kate, for after all she was a perfectly human girl. "Oh, this is heavenly!" Jack's eyes sparkled. "Good! I was wondering when you'd begin to let yourself go." He leaned forward. "You should worry! You're the prettiest girl here—and the best dressed!" Which was true—on both counts. There was no doubt about her prettiness; Heaven had attended to that. Eyes of the deepest blue with a glance steady and deep; an adorable little nose, and a mouth at once firm and most kissable. As for her clothes, it may be they were of cheap materials, but the taste that had chosen redeemed them. The hat, most important item, was of Kate's own manufacture, being copied from the window of a milliner whose name is a household word. "Don't be silly," said the wearer severely. "The waiter is waiting." "That's what he's here for! Oh, dear! I wish we could stay all afternoon!" This was put forth really as a proposal rather than a wish. But Kate was relentless. "We'll have to hurry," she said firmly. "Well, we've time for a cup of green turtle, a lobster paté and a coupe St. Jacques," said Jack. A whispered order was added, and one of the yellow backs changed hands. The waiter departed. "One would think you had been coming here all your life," said Kate demurely. This was delicious flattery. "I've planned it in dreams," he said. Presently the waiter returned, smiling from ear to ear, and bearing a bunch of violets almost as big as a cart wheel. Their delicious fragrance filled all the air. With a flourish he placed them before Kate. She gasped. "Oh! How wonderful! For me!" "Who do you think?" said Jack. "But—but what shall I do with them?" "Put them on. Any woman can wear violets without hurting." "But what will they think when I get back to the office." "The worst!" said Jack solemnly. "Oh, Mr. Norman!" "Why go back to the office?" asked Jack very offhand. "Oh, Mr. Norman!" she said again, with a scandalized air. "My name is Jack," he said unabashed. She made believe not to hear. "I can't bear to think of you working even for a day longer in that stuffy hole! Why, my first thought when I heard the news was I can take her out of that! What fun will it be for me to fluff around town spending money when you are still jailed there, punishing the alphabet." "What do you mean?" she said, trying to look indignant. "You know what I mean. Or if you don't, look at me and you'll see!" She did not avail herself of the invitation. "You don't seem to have thought much of me. What I might like. Am I nothing to you, but a sort of little follower, a hanger-on to help you spend money!" "Oh, Katy, that's unjust. Look at me! Katy darling, I love you. Will you marry me?" "Somebody will hear you," she murmured glancing nervously around. "That's no answer." "Why—I scarcely know you!" "Time will fix that." "You're not in earnest." "I am! Look at me! I know you well! For months I have thought of you night and day. Oh, I tried to cut you out at first; I thought I was only storing up trouble for myself. Poor devil of a stool-warmer like me. What chance did I have? But I couldn't help myself! Every time I saw your face at the window I forgot my hard-headed resolutions. You see you had me at a disadvantage. I had an ideal of what a lady was, that I got from my mother—but knocking round in cheap boarding houses, well you don't meet that kind. It was just plumb luck my meeting you. First time I heard your voice you just knocked me out. That was what I had wanted—all my life. Look at me! Don't you think I'm in earnest now?" "Please, not here!" she murmured. He suddenly realized that a girl is entitled to a certain degree of privacy in receiving a proposal. "Oh! I clean forgot where we were!" he said contritely. "I'm sorry. The two things are so mixed up in my mind, I felt I couldn't tell you quick enough." A silence fell between them. He studied her face wistfully, but could read nothing in the closed lips and downcast eyes. "Katy, dear, can't you give me one word to go on?" She shook her head. "Nothing definite, Katy—but just a hint I can't stand the suspense." She murmured softly: "My answer is no." "Oh, Katy!" he said brokenly. "Sometimes I thought you looked at me as if—my mistake, I suppose. Don't you like me, Katy?" "One doesn't marry on liking. I used to like you as a poor boy; But money changes people's characters. I'll have to wait and see." 数学逻辑相信哥白尼。这一点与布鲁诺没有区别。同时,伽利略发明了天文望远镜,一定程度证明了哥白尼的正确。但是,在罗马宗教事务所组织的学术讨论中,伽利略没有战胜自己的对手,导致了最后的悲剧:当时“地球绕太阳”和“太阳绕地球”都有科学证据,而伽利略学说的破绽之一,是科学家探测不到“斗转星移”(Stellar Parallax)的现象。什么是斗转星移呢?这名堂十分吓人,其实意思很简单。如图一显示,假设星星 A 和星星 B 悬浮在太空中,我在地球表面之观察点 1 仰望星星 A 和星星 B 时,它们的距离好像十分接近,如果地球自转,即使我站在原地不动,我将会随着地球移动而去了观时,我们还应该注意到,天文学的应用范围不如物理学、化学和生物学那样广泛。从理论上来讲,人们即使对哥白尼学说的知识和应用一窍不通,也会造出电视机、汽车和现代化学厂之类的东西。但是不应用法拉第、麦克斯韦、拉瓦锡和牛顿的学说则是不可想象的。仅仅考虑哥白尼学说对技术的影响就社会上引起了强烈的反应。捷克农民在胡斯党人的旗帜下举行起义,这次运动也波及波兰。1517年,在德国,马丁·路德(1483~1546年)反对教会贩卖赎罪符,与罗马教皇公开决裂。1521年,路德又在沃尔姆国会上揭露罗马教廷的罪恶,并提出建立基督教新教的主张。新教的教义得到许多国家的支持,波兰也深受影响。
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克莱因瓶是一个不可定向的二维紧流形,而球面或轮胎面是可 克莱因瓶 克莱因瓶 定向的二维紧流形。如果观察克莱因瓶,有一点似乎令人困惑--克莱因瓶的瓶颈和瓶身是相交的,换句话说,瓶颈上的某些点和瓶壁上的某些点占据了三维空间中的同一个位置。我们可以把克莱因瓶放在四维空间中理解:克莱因瓶是一个在四维空间中才可能真正表现出来的曲面。如果我们一定要把它表现在我们生活的三维空间中,我们只好将就点,把它表现得似乎是自己和自己相交一样。克莱因瓶的瓶颈是穿过了第四维空间再和瓶底圈连起来的,并不穿过瓶壁。用扭结来打比方,如果把它看作平面上的曲线的话,那么它似乎自身相交,再一看似乎又断成了三截。但其实很容易明白,这个图形其实是三维空间中的曲线。它并不和自己相交,而是连续不断的一条曲线。在平面上一条曲线自然做不到这样,但是如果有第三维的话,它就可以穿过第三维来避开和自己相交。只是因为我们要把它画在二维平面上时,只好将就一点,把它画成相交或者断裂了的样子。克莱因瓶也一样,我们可以把它理解成处于四维空间中的曲面。在我们这个三维空间中,即使是最高明的能工巧匠,也不得不把它做成自身相交的模样;就好像最高明的画家,在纸上画扭结的时候也不得不把它们画成自身相交的模样。有趣的是,如果把克莱因瓶沿着它的对称线切下去,竟会得到两个莫比乌斯环。在二维看似穿过自身的绳子 在二维看似穿过自身的绳子 如果莫比乌斯带能够完美的展现一个“二维空间中一维可无限扩展之空间模型”的话,克莱因瓶只能作为展现一个“三维空间中二维可无限扩展之空间模型”的参考。因为在制作莫比乌斯带的过程中,我们要对纸带进行180°翻转再首尾相连,这就是一个三维空间下的操作。理想的“三维空间中二维可无限扩展之空间模型”应该是在二维面中,朝任意方向前进都可以回到原点的模型,而克莱因瓶虽然在二维面上可以向任意方向无限前进。但是只有在两个特定的方向上才会回到原点,并且只有在其中一个方向上,回到原点之前会经过一个“逆向原点”,真正理想的“三维空间中二维可无限扩展之空间模型”也应该是在二维面上朝任何方向前进,都会先经过一次“逆向原点”,再回到原点。而制作这个模型,则需要在四维空间上对三维模型进行扭曲。数学中有一个重要分支叫“拓扑学”,主要是研究几何图形连续改变形状时的一些特征和规律的,克莱因瓶和莫比乌斯带变成了拓扑学中最有趣的问题之一。莫比乌斯带的概念被广泛地应用到了建筑,艺术,工业生产中。三维空间里的克莱因瓶 拓扑学的定义编辑 克莱因瓶定义为正方形区域 [0,1]×[0,1] 模掉等价关系(0,y)~(1,y), 0≤y≤1 和 (x,0)~(1-x,1), 0≤x≤1。类似于 Mobius Band, 克莱因瓶不可定向。但 Mobius 带可嵌入  ,而克莱因瓶只能嵌入四维(或更高维)空间。莫比乌斯带编辑 把一条纸带的一段扭180°,再和另一端粘起来就得到一条莫比乌斯带的模型。这也是一个只有莫比乌斯带、一个面的曲面,但是和球面、轮胎面和克莱因瓶不同的是,它有边(注意,它只有一条边)。如果我们把两条莫比乌斯带沿着它们唯一的边粘合起来,你就得到了一个克莱因瓶 莫比乌斯带 莫比乌斯带 (当然不要忘了,我们必须在四维空间中才能真正有可能完成这个粘合,否则的话就不得不把纸撕破一点)。同样地,如果把一个克莱因瓶适当地剪开来,我们就能得到两条莫比乌斯带。除了我们上面看到的克莱因瓶的模样,还有一种不太为人所知的“8字形”克莱因瓶。它看起来和上面的曲面完全不同,但是在四维空间中它们其实就是同一个曲面--克莱因瓶。实际上,可以说克莱因瓶是一个3°的莫比乌斯带。我们知道,在平面上画一个圆,再在圆内放一样东西,假如在二度空间中将它拿出来,就不得不越过圆周。但在三度空间中,很容易不越过圆周就将其拿出来,放到圆外。将物体的轨迹连同原来的圆投影到二度空间中,就是一个“二维克莱因瓶”,即莫比乌斯带(这里的莫比乌斯带是指拓扑意义上的莫比乌斯带)。再设想一下,在我们的3°空间中,不可能在不打破蛋壳的前提下从鸡蛋中取出蛋黄,但在四度空间里却可以。将蛋黄的轨迹连同蛋壳投影在三度空间中,必然可以看到一个克莱因瓶。制造经历编辑 过去,德国数学家克莱因就曾提出了“不可能”设想,即拓扑学的大怪物--克莱因瓶。这种瓶子根本没有内、外之分,无论从什么地方穿透曲面,到达之处依然在瓶的外面,所以,它本质上就是一个“有外无内”的古怪东西。尽管现代玻璃工业已经发展得非常先进,但是,所谓的“克莱因瓶”却始终是大数学家克莱因先生脑子里头的“虚构物”,根本制造不出来。许多国家的数学家老是想造它一个出来,作为献给国际数学家大会的礼物。然而,等待他们的是一个失败接着一个失败。也有人认为,即使造不出玻璃制品,能造出一个纸模型也不错。如果真的解决了这个问题,那可是个大收获!直径和年龄 最新的研究认为宇宙的直径可920亿光年,甚至更大。[28] 目前可观测的宇宙年龄大约为138.2亿年。[29] 形状 宇宙微波背景的温度一端高,暗示呈弯曲状 宇宙微波背景的温度一端高,暗示呈弯曲状 [30] 目前的宇宙理论认为宇宙可能是类似马鞍状的负弯曲形状,该理论源于宇宙大爆炸理论,整个宇宙的外形如同一个吹起的气球,我们则生活在宇宙的“表面”。[31] 同时,科学家也认为宇宙是平坦的,根据美国宇航局的调查,宇宙可能是平坦的,2013年的调查发现如果宇宙是平坦的,那么误差只有0.4%。[32] 斯蒂芬·霍金表示,我们宇宙的形状可能是一种难以置信的几何图形,更接近于超现实主义的艺术,如同荷兰艺术家摩里茨·科奈里斯·埃舍尔创 银河系 银河系 [33] 作的图形一样。霍金的想法以弦理论为依据,而该理论目前仍然还处于假设之中,并未被验证。如果用语言来形容宇宙的形状,应该是整体呈现多重镶嵌模式,具有无限重复出现的扭曲面,曲面间环环相扣,如同科奈里斯·埃舍尔创作的“圆形极限IV”图案,也与美国工程师P.H. Smith创作的“史密斯圆图”类似,体现出双曲空间的概念,是一种非欧几何的空间形态。[34] 层次结构 当代天文学研究成果表明,宇宙是有层次结构的、 即将发生碰撞的两个星系NGC 470和NGC 474 即将发生碰撞的两个星系NGC 470和NGC 474 [35] 不断膨胀、物质形态多样的、不断运动发展的天体系统。行星、小行星、彗星和流星体都围绕中心天体太阳运转,构成太阳系。太阳系外也存在其他行星系统。约2500亿颗类似太阳的恒星和星际物质构成更巨大的天体系统——银河系。银河系的直径约10万光年,太阳位于银河系的一个旋臂中,距银心约2.6万光年。银河系外还有许多类似的天体系统,称为河外星系,常简称星系。目前观测到1000亿个星系,科学家估计宇宙中至少有2万亿个星系。星系聚集成大大小小的集团,叫星系团。平均而言,每个星系团约有百余个星系,直径达上千万光年。现已发现上万个星系团。包括银河系在内约40个星系构成的一个小星系团叫本星系群。椭圆星系Hercules A中心超大黑洞引发的喷流 椭圆星系Hercules A中心超大黑洞引发的喷流 [36] 若干星系团集聚在一起构成的更高一层次的天体系统叫超星系团。超星系团往往具有扁长的外形,其长径可达数亿光年。通常超星系团内只含有几个星系团,只有少数超星系团拥有几十个星系团。本星系群和其附近的约50个星系团构成的超星系团叫做本超星系团。星系分类 根据可反映星系发展状态的序列号对星系进行了分类,可以粗略地将星系划分出椭圆星系、透镜星系、漩涡星系、棒旋星系和不规则星系等五种。[37] 太阳系天体 太阳质量占太阳系总质量的99.86%,它以自己强大的引力将 NASA公布的太阳风暴的照片 NASA公布的太阳风暴的照片 [38] 太阳系里的所有天体牢牢地吸引在它的周围,使它们不离不散、井然有序地绕自己旋转。同时,太阳又作为一颗普通恒星,带领它的成员,万古不息地绕银河系的中心运动。[39]  太阳的半径为696000千米,质量为1.989×10^30kg,中心温度约15000000 ℃,。[40]  如果一个人站在太阳表面,那么他的体重将会是在地球上的20倍。[41]  现代星云假说根据观测资料和理论计算,提出:太阳系原始星云是巨大的星际云瓦解的一个小云,一开始就在自转,并在自身引力作用下收缩,中心部分形成太阳,外部演化成星云盘,星云盘以后形成行星。目前,现代星云说又存在不同学派,这些学派之间还存在着许多差别,有待进一步研究和证实。[42] 金星是离太阳的第二颗行星,夜空中亮度仅次于月球。[43]  金星上没有水,大气中严重缺氧,二氧化碳占97%以上,空气中有一层厚达20千米至30千米的浓硫酸云,地面温度从不低于400℃,是个名副其实的“炼狱”般世界。金星地面的大气压强为地球的90倍,相当于地球海洋中900米深度时的压强。金星大气主要由二氧化碳等温室气体组成,失控的温室效应,是导致金星极端气候的主要原因。由于金星没有内禀磁层保护,诱发磁层中磁场重联释放的巨大能量,使得金星大气被加热后加速逃逸。科学界认为,金星上大气的逃逸,是造成金星上缺水而被富含二氧化碳的稠密大气所笼罩,从而导致严重的温室效应的原因。[44] 木星是离太阳第五颗行星,而且是最大的一颗,比所有其他的行星 木星及其卫星欧罗巴(木卫二) 木星及其卫星欧罗巴(木卫二) [45] 的合质量大2倍(地球的318倍),直径142987km。它是气态行星没有实体表面,由90%的氢和10%的氦(原子数之比, 75/25%的质量比)及微量的甲烷、水、氨水和“石头”组成。这与形成整个太阳系的原始的太阳系星云的组成十分相似。木星可能有一个石质的内核,相当于10-15个地球的质量。内核上则是大部分的行星物质集结地,以液态氢的形式存在。液态金属氢由离子化的质子与电子组成(类似于太阳的内部,不过温度低多了)。木星共有67颗木卫。按距离木星中心由近及远的次序为:木卫十六、木卫十四、木卫五、木卫十五、木卫一、木卫二、木卫三、木卫四、木卫十三、木卫六、木卫十、木卫七、木卫十二、木卫十一、木卫八和木卫九。[46] 水星是最接近太阳的行星。水星的半径约为2440公里,在八大行星中是最小的。水星昼夜温差极大,白天摄氏 430 度,晚上约可达零下170 度,是太阳系八大行星中温差最大的一个行星。[47]  水星的外大气层非常稀薄,是由水星表面和太阳风中的原子和离子构成。[48]  科学家确认水星表面含有丰富的碳,认为碳是水星表面呈黑色的原因,水星表面的岩石是由低重量百分比的石墨碳构成。[49] “好奇号”火星探测器在火星表面采集样本 “好奇号”火星探测器在火星表面采集样本 [50] 火星是地球的近邻,是太阳系由内往外数第四颗行星。直径6794km,体积为地球的15%,质量为地球的11%。火星表面是一个荒凉的世界,空气中二氧化碳占了95%。火星大气十分稀薄,密度还不到地球大气的1%,因而根本无法保存热量。这导致火星表面温度极低,很少超过0℃,在夜晚,最低温度则可达到-123℃。火星被称为红色的行星,这是因为它表面布满了氧化物,因而呈现出铁锈红色。其表面的大部分地区都是含有大量的红色氧化物的大沙漠,还有赭色的砾石地和凝固的熔岩流。火星上常常有猛烈的大风,大风扬起沙尘能形成可以覆盖火星全球的特大型沙尘暴。每次沙尘暴可持续数个星期。火星两极的冰冠和火星大气中含有水份。从火星表面获得的探测数据证明,在远古时期,火星曾经有过液态的水,而且水量特别大。[51] 土星是离太阳第六颗行星,直径120536㎞,体积仅次于木星。主要由氢组成,还有少量的氦与微量元素,内部的核心包括岩石和冰,外围由数层金属氢和气体包裹着。地球距离土星13亿公里。土星的引力比地球强2.5倍,能够牵引太阳系内其它行星,使地球处于一个椭圆轨道中运行,并且与太阳保持适当距离,适宜生命繁衍。当土星轨道倾斜20度将使地球轨道比金星轨道更接近太阳,同时,这将导致火星完全离开太阳系。[52]  土星是已知唯一密度小于水的行星,假如能够将土星放入一个巨大的浴池之中,它将可以漂浮起来。土星有一个巨大的磁气圈和一个狂风肆虐的大气层,赤道附近的风速可达1800千米/时。在环绕土星运行的31颗卫星中间,土卫六是最大的一颗,比水星和月球还大,也是太阳系中唯一拥有浓厚大气层的卫星。[53] 天王星是离太阳第七颗行星,51118km。体积约为地球的65倍,在九大行星中仅次于木星和土星。天王星的大气层中83%是氢,15%为氦,2%为甲烷以及少量的乙炔和碳氢化合物。上层大气层的甲烷吸收红光,使天王星呈现蓝绿色。大气在固定纬度集结成云层,类似于木星和土星在纬线上鲜艳的条状色带。天王星云层的平均温度为零下193摄氏度。质量为8.6810±13×10²⁵kg,相当于地球质量的14.63倍。密度较小,只有1.24克/立方厘米,为海王星密度值的74.7%。[54] 恒星 恒星 海王星是离太阳的第八颗行星,直径49532千米。海王星绕太阳运转的轨道半径为45亿千米,公转一周需要165年。海王星的直径和天王星类似,质量比天王星略大一些。海王星和天王星的主要大气成分都是氢和氦,内部结构也极为相近,所以说海王星与天王星是一对孪生兄弟。[55]  海王星有太阳系最强烈的风,测量到的时速高达2100公里。海王星云顶的温度是-218 °C,是太阳系最冷的地区之一。海王星核心的温度约为7000 °C,可以和太阳的表面比较。海王星在1846年9月23日被发现,是唯一利用数学预测而非有计划的观测发现的行星。[56] 冥王星,位于海王星以外的柯伊伯带内侧,是柯伊伯带中已知的最大天体。[57]  直径约为2370±20km,是地球直径的18.5%。[58]  2006年8月24日,国际天文学联合会大会24日投票决定,不再将传统九大行星之一的冥王星视为行星,而将其列入“矮行星”。大会通过的决议规定,“行星”指的是围绕太阳运转、自身引力足以克服其刚体力而使天体呈圆球状、能够清除其轨道附近其他物体的天体。在太阳系传统的“九大行星”中,只有水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星符合这些要求。冥王星由于其轨道与海王星的轨道相交,不符合新的行星定义,因此被自动降级为“矮行星”。[59]  冥王星的表面温度大概在-238到-228℃之间。冥王星的成份由70%岩石和30%冰水混合而成的。地表上光亮的部分可能覆盖着一些固体氮以及少量 卫星拍月球经过地球,可见清晰月球背面 卫星拍月球经过地球,可见清晰月球背面 [60] 的固体甲烷和一氧化碳,冥王星表面的黑暗部分可能是一些基本的有机物质或是由宇宙射线引发的光化学反应。冥王星的大气层主要由氮和少量的一氧化碳及甲烷组成。大气极其稀薄,地面压强只有少量微帕。[61] 地球是离太阳第三颗行星,是我们人类的家乡,尽管地球是太阳系中一颗普通的行星,但它在许多方面都是独一无二的。比如,它是太阳系中唯一一颗面积大部分被水覆盖的行星,也是目前所知唯一一颗有生命存在的星球。质量M=5.9742 ×10^24 公斤,表面温度:t = - 30 ~ +45。[62]  英国科研人员在《天体生物学》杂志上报告说,如果没有小行星撞击等可能剧烈改变环境的事件发生,地球适宜人类居住的时间还剩约17.5亿年,不过人为造成的气候变化可能缩短这一时间。[63] 彗星是由灰尘和冰块组成的太阳系中的一类小天体,绕日运动。[64]  科学家使用探测器对彗星的化学遗留物进行分析,发现其主要成份为氨、甲烷、硫化氢、氰化氢和甲醛。科学家得出结论称,彗星的气味闻起来像是臭鸡蛋、马尿、酒精和苦杏仁的气味综合。[65-66] “67P/楚留莫夫-格拉希门克”彗星 “67P/楚留莫夫-格拉希门克”彗星 [67] 在太阳系的周围还包裹着一个庞大的“奥尔特云”。星云内分布着不计其数的冰块、雪团和碎石。其中的某些会受太阳引力影响飞入内太阳系,这就是彗星。这些冰块、雪团和碎石进入太阳系内部,其表面因受太阳风的吹拂而开始挥发。所以彗星都拖着一条长长的尾巴,而且越靠近太阳尾巴越长、越明显。太阳系内的星际空间并不是真空的,而是充满了各种粒子、射线、气体和尘埃。[68] 柯伊伯带,是一种理论推测认为短周期彗星是来自离太阳50—500天文单位的一个环带,位于太阳系的尽头。柯伊伯带是冰质残片组成的巨环,位于海王星轨道之外,环绕着太阳系的外边缘。[69] 物质多样性 红巨星,当一颗恒星度过它漫长的青壮年期——主序星阶段,步入老年期时,它将首先变为一颗红巨星。称它为“巨星”,是突出它的体积巨大。在巨星阶段,恒星的体积将膨胀到十亿倍之多。称它为“红”巨星,是因为在这恒星迅速膨胀的同时,它的外表面离中心越来越远,所以温度将随之而降低,发出的光也就越来越偏红。不过,虽然温度降低了一些,可红巨星的体积是如此之大,它的光度也变得很大,极为明亮。红巨星一旦形成,就朝恒星的下一阶段白矮星进发。[70] 白矮星,是一种低光度、高密度、高温度的恒星。因为颜色呈白色、体积比较矮小,因此被命名为白矮星。哈勃望远镜观测到白矮星死亡过程 哈勃望远镜观测到白矮星死亡过程 [71] 白矮星是一种很特殊的天体,它的体积小、亮度低,但质量大、密度极高。白矮星是中低质量的恒星的演化路线的终点。在红巨星阶段的末期,恒星的中心会因为温度、压力不足或者核聚变达到铁阶段而停止产生能量。恒星外壳的重力会压缩恒星产生一个高密度的天体。一个典型的稳定独立白矮星具有大约半个太阳质量,比地球略大。这种密度仅次于中子星和夸克星。如果白矮星的质量超过1.4倍太阳质量,那么原子核之间的电荷斥力不足以对抗重力,电子会被压入原子核而形成中子星。原子是由原子核和电子组成的,原子的质量绝大部分集中在原子核上,在巨大的压力之下,电子将脱离原子核,成自由电子。这种自由电子气体将尽可能地占据原子核之间的空隙,从而使单位空间内包含的物质也将大大增多,密度大大提高了。形象地说,这时原子核是“沉浸于”电子中,常称之为“简并态”。[72]  大多数的恒星内核通过氢核聚变进行燃烧,将质量转变为能量,并产生光和热量,当恒星内部氢燃料完成消耗完后就开始进行氦融合反应,并形成更重的碳和氧,这一过程对于类似太阳这样的恒星而言,就显得较为短暂,并形成碳氧组成的白矮星,如果其质量大于1.4倍太阳质量,就会发生Ia型超新星爆发。[73] 类星体,20世纪60年代以来,天文学家还找到一种在银河系以外像恒星一样表现为一个光点的天体,但实际上它的光度和质量又和星系一样,我们叫它类星体,现在已发现了数千个这种天体。[74] 超新星,是恒星演化过程中的一个阶段。超新星爆发是某些恒星在演化接近末期时经历的一种剧烈爆炸。一般认为质量小于9倍太阳质量左右的恒星,在经历引力坍缩的过程后是无法形成超新星的。[75]  在大质量恒星演化到晚期,内部不能产生新的能量,巨大的引力将整个星体迅速向中心坍缩,将中心物质都压成中子状态,形成中子星,而外层下坍的物质遇到这坚硬的“中子核”反弹引起爆炸。这就成为超新星爆发,质量更大时,中心更可形成黑洞。[76]  在超新星爆发的过程中所释放的能量,需要我们的太阳燃烧900亿年才能与之相当。[77]  超新星研究有着关乎人类自身命运的深层意义。如果一颗超新星爆发的位置非常接近地球,目前国际天文学界普遍认为此距离在100光年以内,它就能够对地球的生物圈产生明显的影响,这样的超新星被称为近地超新星。有研究认为,在地球历史上的奥陶纪大灭绝,就是一颗近地超新星引起的,这次灭绝导致当时地球近60%的海洋生物消失。[78]

2020年1月10日 (五) 12:26的版本















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